Sunday, October 5, 2008


hmmm... am I just too picky? I've been to 2 gigs in the past 2 days, and both have left me feeling - on the whole - uninspired and unenergised. Is it just me? Are my expectations too high or too narrow and inflexible that I start to switch off as soon as I realise my musical needs aren't being met?

Both performances were lacklustre for different reasons. The first was one which I knew was going to be a challenge for me - it included elements of improv, electronica and complexity - these being three of the musical genres I struggle to identify with the most. And here they all were in one concert, agh! I gave it my best, most focussed attention though, and managed to find several moments of really stunningly beautiful sound. These were cluttered up with swarms of busyness and loudness, which perhaps made them all the more beautiful when they arrived. The music was difficult for me, but the performers were utterly engaged and to their huge credit communicated really well amongst themselves and to the audience. This was a big factor in getting me through it intact!

The second gig had music which was more in my preferred realm. Fantastically diverse and SO MANY exquisite moments. I often found myself transfixed by the simple, subtle beauty of several of these works. But in this case it was the performers themselves that let me down. Brilliantly talented, there is no doubt. But with looks of total disinterest, and avoiding eye contact with each other even when there were extended bars of rests. I found myself almost willing them to pleeeeeease look at each other! None of the ensembles configurations had any sense of unity of musical intent. I couldn't believe that there were so many moments of potential connection that just passed by as another crotchet or quaver. It was bordering on infuriating!

So, you see, even when there IS a strong visual element to a performance (as opposed to laptops - see below!), it's no guarantee that it'll make the music any more engaging!


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