Sunday, March 22, 2009

back in the USS......A!

Greetings to all from an unexpectedly chilly City of Angels. I checked the weather forecast before I left and I could have sworn it said LA would be a delightful 24 degrees. hmm. In any case, I've arrived and am still in that slightly surreal, vaguely dream-like state that exists when you step off a plan on the other side of the planet.

I'm staying with my good friend Tara - we studied together in Sydney for our Masters a couple of years ago. I've really missed having her around, being another flutey soul drawn to the weird and wonderful world of new music. And she's also a whole lotta fun. I'm really looking forward to doing a few gigs with her here - she's joining me here in LA as well as San Francisco and Chicago!

Not much else to report, other than the usual stories of barely making it to the flight on time (NOT my fault!), having things taken away from me at customs (my toothpaste! gahh!), and long, long immigration queues at LAX.

Oh, on the bus from the airport to downtown LA I was looking out the window and noticed all the palm trees. Hundreds and hundreds of them. Sometimes in large clumps, more often standing alone or in long, spaced out rows. They're not the lush tropical sort of palm trees though, they're reeeeeeeeally tall, with just a little clump of leaves right at the top. I wondered how they even stay upright, it just seems so off balance. I couldn't see any buildings at all, just the tops of these weird alien-like palms, so it really did feel like another world for a while.

Have to wake myself up now for a pretty full day of practise and rehearsing. I'm off to see the venue a bit later today, and to rehearse a new piece with the composer (Cat Lamb - bass flute and viola). Stay tuned for more travel tales!


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